ENGenious Issue 4
Note From The Chair
The Graduate Aeronautical Laboratories of the California Institute of Technology—of course we all know this as GALCIT—is celebrating 75 astonishing years on November 14 and 15th. ENGenious is joining the celebration by featuring the GALCIT faculty in this issue. They muse on the characteristics that have made GALCIT unique, and give a glimpse of current and near-term research. It's not too late to join the festivities yourself. If you are an aeronautics alum, a Caltech alum with fond memories of GALCIT, or an interested friend of the Institute, please visit the event website www.galcit.caltech.edu/galcit75 to find the details of the program, see who will be there, and register. It will be a good mix of social activities and technical updates, and I look forward to seeing you there. Also in this issue we visit my home option, Control and Dynamical Systems, and have the opportunity to learn more about the details of Steven Low's efforts to change the very nature of internet transmission protocols and Moore Scholar Bernard Yurke's work with Erik Winfree and Michael Roukes to continue filling "the nano toolbox." I attended the East Coast campaign kick-off gala last month in New York City, and was pleased to see so many alumni and friends of the Institute eager to hear about the remarkable things happening on campus. Caltech has reached an impressive 62 percent of its campaign goal of $1.4 billion through the vision and generosity of many people. This issue of ENGenious,from cover to cover, reflects the outstanding achievements that are possible when committed students, faculty, alumni, and friends of the Institute work together in the name of excellence.
Richard M. Murray
Chair, Division of Engineering and Applied Science
Note From The Chair
Letter from the E&AS Chair: Richard Murray
Snap Shots
'Round About the Institute: Recent Events and Openings on Campus
New Faculty
New Arrivals, Joint Appointments, and Moore Scholars
Idea Flow
DNA Tweezers, Motors, and Masks: Bernard Yurke and Friends are Filling the Nano Toolbox
Research Note
Today's Internet is Just a Parking Lot: New Algorithms Pave the Way for the Real Superhighway
Steven Low and the FAST Team
Graduate Aeronautical Laboratories
Celebrating 75 Years of Experimental, Theoretical, and Computational Innovation
Noel R. Corngold: Many Many-Body Interactions
by Paul M. Bellan
Option Profile
Control and Dynamical Systems: From Cellular Systems to Gravitational Systems, and Almost Everything in Between
Campus Resource
More Than Getting Your Feet Wet: SURF, the Summer Undergraduate Research Fellowship Program
by Carolyn Ash
An E&AS Who's Who: Recipients of the Caltech Distinguished Alumni Award